Download ReMap
Our data & assemblies suported
The ReMap BED files are available to download either for a given transcriptional regulator, by Biotype or for the entire catalog as one very large BED file.
For Homo sapiens the GRCh38/hg38 assembly is currently the supported assembly, but our files can be lifted to hg19 with liftover. We also provide an archive of the ReMap 2020, 2018 and 2015 catalogs.
For Mus musculus the GRCm38/mm10 assembly is currently the supported assembly, but our files have be lifted to GRCm39/mm39 with liftover.
For Drosophila melanogaster the BDGP6/dm6 (GCA_000001215.4) assembly is the supported assembly.
For Arabidopsis thaliana we provide BED files for transcriptional regulators, histones marks, ecotypes and biotype coupled with a given ecotype. The TAIR10 assembly is the only assembly supported by ReMap.
Non-redundant peaks and CRMs annotations are computed across all ReMap datasets and biotypes, thus representing a multi-cellular multi-tissue regulatory map.